Topic Keywords: connection status, PHP, statistics, XML
Previous articles have described the XML-based status query interface that can be used to programmatically retrieve information about the current status of NowSMS. The XML-based status query interface that reports information similar to what is reported on the “Status” page of the NowSMS configuration dialog. The query results include information about SMSC connection status, the number of messages processed via the different connections, and the number of messages pending in the queues, among other information.
This interface is described in more detail in the following article:
An XML Schema Definition can be found in the following article:
As we frequently receive questions asking how this status information can be accessed via a PHP script, this article will provide some simple examples.
The PHP SimpleXML functions are the easiest way to access and process this information.
In a discussion board posting (, we previously provided a simple example of a PHP script that queries the number of messages waiting in the NowSMS outbound SMS message queue.
The first step to access the data is to load the status URL into a SimpleXML object:
$xmldata = file_get_contents
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmldata);
Substitute in your appropriate IP address and port, and the appropriate “adminuser” and “adminpass” values for your NowSMS installation.
To report the number of messages in the outbound SMS message queue, simply access the following variable:
To report the number of SMS messages sent out today, or in the last 7 or last 30 days, use the following variables:
To report the number of active SMPP client connections, use the following variable:
Refer to the XML examples and schema referenced in the earlier links to see other status information that is available via this XML-based interface.
As an additional example, here is code that queries SMSC connection status and reports any connections that are experiencing connectivity problems:
$xmldata = file_get_contents
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmldata);
$allConnectionsOK = true;
foreach ($xml->SMSCStatus as $smscStatus) {
if (strcasecmp ($smscStatus->Status, "OK")) {
$allConnectionsOK = false;
echo "Connection Error: " . $smscStatus->Name . " -- " . $smscStatus->StatusDetail . "\n";
if ($allConnectionsOK) {
echo "OK\n";
Here is a similar example that queries external MMSC connection status and reports any connections that are experiencing connectivity problems:
$xmldata = file_get_contents
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmldata);
$allConnectionsOK = true;
foreach ($xml->MMSCRouteStatus as $mmscStatus) {
if (strcasecmp ($mmscStatus->Status, "OK")) {
$allConnectionsOK = false;
echo "Connection Error: " . $mmscStatus->Name . " -- " . $mmscStatus->StatusDetail . "\n";
if ($allConnectionsOK) {
echo "OK\n";
To report the number of messages in the external MMSC message queue, simply access the following variable:
To report the number of MMS messages submitted by local MMSC subscribers today, or in the last 7 or last 30 days, use the following variables:
For more information on using the SimpleXML functions, please refer to the PHP documentation at:
For more information on the NowSMS Status Query XML interface, please refer to the following articles:
For comments and further discussion, please click here to visit the NowSMS Technical Forums (Discussion Board)...