Sending OMA Provisioning Content OTA Messages

Sending OMA Provisiong Content over HTTP

To send an OMA Provisioning Content OTA message via a menu driven interface, please see the help section titled Web Menu Interface. This section describes how to send a OMA Provisioning Content message programmatically via URL parameters.

OMA Provisioning Content Messages are special SMS messages that contain information used to configure certain settings of a mobile phone, such as settings for the browser, MMS client or SyncML client.

The gateway supports OMA Provisioning Content documents compatible with the Open Mobile Alliance “Provisioning Content Specification v1.1”.

This specification can be downloaded from the Open Mobile Alliance web site at

Two approaches are provided for sending OMA Provisioning Content messages:

  1. The “web menu” interface of the gateway provides a menu based interface for specifying simple browser and MMS client configuration settings.
  2. Manually create an OTA document based on the OMA Provisioning Content specification, and store this document in the “OTA” subdirectory of the gateway installation, or POST the document to the gateway via the web interface.

The “web menu” interface is defined in the help section titled Web Menu Interface. The other approach is defined below.

OMA Provisioning Content documents should be created in the OTA subdirectory of the gateway installation, and given a file extension of “.OTA”.

Once a document has been created, to send the document to a mobile phone, use the following URL format:

The “OMAOTA” parameter specifies the name of a file located in the OTA subdirectory of the gateway with a file extension of “.OTA”. For example, in the above sample URL, the gateway would attempt to locate a file named “filename.OTA” in the OTA gateway subdirectory.

An example OMA Provisioning Content document for configuring browser settings on a mobile phone is shown below, for additional information, please refer to the OMA Provisioning Content Specification.


<characteristic type=”BOOTSTRAP”>

<parm name=”NAME” value=”MoviStar Spain”/>


<characteristic type=”NAPDEF”>

<parm name=”NAME” value=”MoviStar Spain”/>

<parm name=”NAPID” value=”MoviStar_Spain_NAPID”/>

<parm name=”BEARER” value=”GSM-GPRS”/>

<parm name=”NAP-ADDRESS” value=””/>

<parm name=”NAP-ADDRTYPE” value=”APN”/>

<characteristic type=”NAPAUTHINFO”>

<parm name=”AUTHTYPE” value=”PAP”/>

<parm name=”AUTHNAME” value=”WAPTM”/>

<parm name=”AUTHSECRET” value=”WAPTM”/>



<characteristic type=”PXLOGICAL”>

<parm name=”NAME” value=”MoviStar Spain”/>

<parm name=”PROXY-ID” value=”MoviStar Spain_Proxy”/>

<parm name=”STARTPAGE” value=””/>

<characteristic type=”PXPHYSICAL”>

<parm name=”PHYSICAL-PROXY-ID” value=”MoviStar Spain_PhProxy”/>

<parm name=”PXADDR” value=”″/>

<parm name=”PXADDRTYPE” value=”IPV4″/>

<parm name=”TO-NAPID” value=”MoviStar_Spain_NAPID”/>

<characteristic type=”PORT”>

<parm name=”PORTNBR” value=”9201″/>

<parm name=”SERVICE” value=”CO-WSP”/>




<characteristic type=”APPLICATION”>

<parm name=”APPID” value=”w2″/>

<parm name=”TO-PROXY” value=”MoviStar Spain_Proxy”/>

<parm name=”NAME” value=”Browser”/>

<characteristic type=”RESOURCE”>

<parm name=”URI” value=””/>

<parm name=”STARTPAGE”/>




It is also possible to send Provisioning Content messages without creating a document on the gateway by submitting an HTTP POST request to the gateway with the content of the POST message being the Provisioning Content document. This document can either be sent programmatically, or it can be sent via the “Send XML Settings” option in the web menu interface. To submit the document via HTTP POST, it should be submitted to a URL of:

When submitting an OTA request in this manner, the HTTP POST request must include a “Content-Length:” header.

To provide a more complete example, to perform this HTTP POST, an application can open an HTTP connection to the port for the NowSMS web interface, and send the following data:

POST /?PhoneNumber=xxxxxxxx&user=username&password=password&OTA=POST HTTP/1.0

Content-Length: yyyyyy

(*blank line*)

<xml settings document>

When sending an XML document in this manner, the HTTP POST request must include a “Content-Length:” header. This should match the length of your XML document. This is how the server detects that the HTTP POST is complete. The “&user=” and “&password=” parameters specify an “SMS Users” account that is allowed to submit messages via NowSMS.

NowSMS will scan the XML content to automatically determine what the content type is, so that it can be encoded properly for sending over the air.

The URL request can also include an OTAPIN parameter specifying the PIN associated with the request, and an OTAPINTYPE parameter specifying the type of PIN associated with the request (USERPIN or NETWPIN).

For a complete list of URL parameters, please refer to the section Submitting SMS Messages – URL Parameters.