UCP to SMPP Converter / Proxy

We’ve had a few inquiries related to the UCP protocol recently. UCP is a legacy application to SMS protocol that was implemented by SMSCs from a company named CMG. (Bryce posted some background info on this over 12 years ago in response to questions in our support forum at https://support.nowsms.com/discus/messages/1/8150.html) UCP was never a widely adopted protocol, but for a period of...

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TON and NPI Settings for SMPP and UCP/EMI

One of the most confusing issues involved in setting up an SMSC connection is when your SMS service provider requires specific TON (type of number) and NPI (numbering plan identification) values. In the majority of cases, you can ignore any requirements that your provider has for these settings, because NowSMS uses intelligent default values. For SMPP environments, these are the rules that NowSMS...

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SMS Retry Error Handling with UCP/EMI and CIMD

There’s a great post that discusses how NowSMS handles message retries in SMPP environments at the following link: https://nowsms.com/smpp-error-code-handling-in-nowsms However, to date, there hasn’t been anything written that goes into as much detail regarding how NowSMS handles message retries in UCP/EMI or CIMD2 environments. The short answer is that, by default, if NowSMS receives...

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